Visit With Cleveland Clinic’s Art Program Director Joanne Cohen & Curator Bellamy Printz

Joanne Cohen & Bellamy Printz(left to right) Joanne Cohen – Executive Director of Cleveland Clinic’s Arts and Medicine Institute’s Art Program & Bellamy Printz – Artist and Cleveland Clinic Art Program Curator

Bellamy Printz - Joanne Cohen - Andrew Reach(left to right) Bellamy Printz, Andrew Reach & Joanne Cohen

 Andrew and I were honored when they visited our home to see Andrew’s art as they were considering adding Andrew’s art to the hospitals collection. They subsequently purchased his art and is now installed in the newly renovated Lutheran Hospital on Cleveland’s west side.

Joanne Cohen is the Executive Director of Cleveland Clinic’s Arts and Medicine Institute’s Art Program. Bellamy Printz is an artist and co-founder of Zygote Press,  a non-profit, cooperative, fine art printmaking workshop in Cleveland. Ms. Printz also works alongside Ms. Cohen as a curator for the clinic’s art program. Cleveland Clinic has made the incorporation of art into their facilities a top priority with the belief that the arts go hand in hand with healing.

Cleveland Clinic’s website writes about the program:

Fine art is good medicine.

It comforts, elevates the spirit, and affirms life and hope. Art in the healthcare setting, combined with outstanding care and service, creates an ambiance that encourages healing and supports the work of medical professionals.

As one of the world’s great medical centers, Cleveland Clinic has always included the arts in its healing environment. The four founders and subsequent leadership encouraged artistic and musical expression by employees. Distinguished artworks have long hung on the walls. In 1983, an Aesthetics Committee was officially formed at Cleveland Clinic to address issues of art and design in Cleveland Clinic facilities.

CC_LutheranHosp_1Bruce Baumwoll & Andrew Reach at Installation
of Andrew’s Artwork “Getting Up”

Andrew writes about the work Getting Up:

Influenced by Islamic Art and Sufism, my circles come alive with radial spinning constructions distilled from a personal methodology of kinetic dynamism and allows me to experience freedom and move kinetically through my art, much like the Sufi Whirling Dervishes whose spinning dances bring them closer to spiritual bliss.

CC_LutheranHosp_3Andrew Reach and Installation of his artwork “Getting Up”


CC_Lutheran-Hospital-ExteriorCleveland Clinic Lutheran Hospital

CC_LutheranHosp_5Reception at Cleveland Clinic Lutheran Hospital