I spent most of my time when I was in Jr. High School 198 in the Rockaways collecting books and movie posters. Each week I would go to town; town meaning Far Rockaway. At this point we lived in the apartment house right across from the old convent on Central Avenue where all the nuns lived and still had their old habits on; such fond memories. I can still see their faces.

Our family often sat on the terrace which was on the first floor. The terrace was on the left side of the building with a wonderful view of the convent. We lived there all through my Junior High School years. As I have said I was a very quiet person. So each week I would save my money and head into town and go to Woolworths and Grants where I would head right to the book section and see all the new paperback books that had come out.
I can not explain the thrill of finding a new book, to see all the stars and sometimes pictures of movie stills in the middle. Discovering One new book was all that was needed to feel that wonderful feeling. Remember the prices ranged from 25 cents to incredibly expensive for the time $1.25. Funny to think about that now.
I loved the hunt and the find. I still feel that way now. After I had found my books for that day, my mom would always give me a little extra money to go have lunch out. My parents were happy that I was getting out. At lunch I would sit and put all the books out on the table and just look at all the graphics. I always ate at the deli or the Chinese place upstairs. I would have my lunch usually in the same spot the middle booth right in front of the window. That was the table my grandmother always ate at. She just loved their Chow Mein. I have not eaten that dish since.
In the world we live today Paperback Movie Tie-in books aren’t what they used to be. They don’t have the great graphics that I love so much. So I hope you enjoy all the books and their wonderful graphics and images. There is still many that I have not added yet. I’m still documenting them all.
The golden years of Paperback Movie Tie-in books are over. They shall not pass our way again.
Click here to see my Movie Tie-in Books Photo Album for books A-K
Click here to see my Movie Tie-in Books Photo Album for books L-Z

Click here to see my Movie Tie-in Books Photo Album for books A-K
Click here to see my Movie Tie-in Books Photo Album for books L-Z