I hope you enjoy this extraordinary experience of the art of Andrew Reach, who happens to be my husband for almost 39 years now. No matter how many times while editing it, I have watched his images, it continually takes me away from self into a world of color, shape and wonder.
For those of you who are just seeing the work of Andrew Reach for the first time, he was an architect and because of a rare debilitating spine disease, became disabled and reinvented himself as an artist. To see more of Andrew Reach’s art visit https://www.andrewreach.com
Andrew Reach’s Ninety One Kites in the Summa Healing Arts Collection For New Patient Tower

I’m honored that my husband Andrew Reach’s art is part of a wonderful art collection; Summa Health’s new Healing Arts Collection for the new Patient Tower at the Akron campus. Meg Harris Stanton, Summa Health Healing Arts Leadership Council, curated the collection. She selected “Ninety One Kites” where it has been placed on the fifth floor across from the nurses station. Christine Havice, Chair, Summa Health Healing Arts Leadership Council researched and wrote about each artwork with dedicated web page’s for each artist (see list below). Below is excerpt of what she wrote on Andrew’s page:
After viewing this print, you may also find his reflections helpful in negotiating the visual arts world of today, where both digital and the older “analogue” techniques co-exist and often, as here and in certain other works of art in the Summa Collection, interpenetrate in new and exciting ways.
Christine Havice – Chair, Summa Healing Arts Leadership Council
Click here to Andrew Reach’s page.

Below are some other great works in the collection.

A Way with Words, 2019
Materials: Polymer gypsum, fiberglass, steel, plaster, gold leaf, aluminum leaf, copper leaf, pigment, 160.5 x 96 x 5.5”.
From left: Cliff Deveny, M.D., Diana Al-Hadid and David Custodio, M.D., during Al-Hadid’s art installation in the new tower on the Summa Health System — Akron Campus
photo: summahealth.org

Pictured, from left:
Neema & Phul
Asha & Furaha
from the North Hill series, 2018
Materials: Color digital print, 48 x 32”.
Location at Summa Health: New patient tower (141 N. Forge St.), hallway, second floor.
photo: summahealth.org
Summa Health Healing Arts Collection
- Ian Adams
- Diana Al-Hadid
- Lizzi Aronhalt
- Rob Blair
- Stephen Canneto
- Dale Chihuly
- Don Drumm
- Ibojka Maria Friedman
- Barbara Gillette
- Gretchen Goss
- Scott Goss
- Walter Grossman
- Frederick E. Hart
- Lee Heinen
- Marianne Hite
- Laurie Jacobs
- Marvin Jones
- Terry Klausman
- Charlotte Lees
- Joe Levack
- Tara Lynn
- Wayne Mazorow
- Taryn McMahon
- Patricia Parker
- Gloria Plevin
- Diane Pribojan
- Andrew Reach
- Meaghan Reed
- James Rehmus
- Christine Ries
- Eric Rippert
- P.J. Rogers
- Caroline Rowntree
- Nancy and Ned Seibert
- Susan Squires
- Julian Stanczak
- Darius Steward
- Stephen Tornero
- Shane Wynn
- Hui-Chu Ying
- Maria Zanetta
Andrew Reach – Finalist In Art Takes Soho Competition
I’m so proud that my husband Andrew Reach is a finalist in the art competition “Art Takes Soho”. He entered 6 artworks (shown below). His art will be shown digitally with the other finalist:
Wednesday, September 26th, 2018
6pm – 10pm
45 Lispenard St #1w
New York, New York
What I find so amazing about the new work he is creating is during this period of our life, the complications from his disease are insidious. His pain is off the charts as is his quality of life. We fight every day to have a nice day and somewhere in this amazing soul, in a body that doesn’t stop attacking him from within, this kaleidoscope of wonder and magic comes out. Bruce Baumwoll Check out his amazing art on www.andrewreach.com
Andrew was also featured on the See Me website.
Click here to see feature story
Feature Story on See Me Screenshot
click here to see feature story
Below are the artworks entered into the Art Takes Soho competition
click on images to see on Andrew Reach’s website
Andrew In Wonderland, 2018
Archival Digital Print on Cotton Rag, 40 x 40 inches, edition of 3
Wavy Gravy, 2018
Archival Digital Print on Cotton Rag, 38 x 59 inches, edition of 3
Triangulation Construction IV, 2018
Archival Digital Print on Cotton Rag, 40 x 46 inches, edition of 3
A Glimpse of Freedom I, 2018
Archival Digital Print on Cotton Rag, 38 x 53.5 inches, edition of 3
Primary Vibes, 2017
Archival Digital Print on Canvas, 54 x 54 inches, edition of 3
Quadratadot I, 2016
Archival Digital Print on Canvas, 54 x 54 inches, edition of 3
Andrew Reach To Exhibit at The “REINVENTION” Show at the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve – Cleveland
I’m pleased to announce that my spouse Andrew Reach will have his art exhibited in a group show at the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve. The show is titled “REINVENTION”. Mindy Tousley, director of AAWR and curator of the show says about it:
“I am putting together an exhibition of regional artists who have re –invented themselves or at least their artwork because of physical trauma associated with aging or aging related disabilities. In the case of all of the artists I have selected they have overcome the changes forced on them and gone on to complete bodies of work that are very different & in some cases superior to what they were doing before. I came upon the idea for this show because of my association with the artists and their stories. I saw firsthand the changes in their work over the course of time.”