Gay Pride Rainbows In Many Forms Through The Years

The following is from the Associate Press:
October 11, 1991, SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) _ Thousands of demonstrators, chanting ″Recall Pete″ and ″We won’t go away,″ marched Friday on the state Capitol to protest Gov. Pete Wilson’s veto of a gay rights bill.

The rally was held on ″National Coming Out Day,″ meant to encourage homosexuals to make themselves known in their communities. Andrew Reach and I (Bruce Baumwoll) drove up from West Hollywood. It was a great day. We were together for 10 years at this time. Never give up, never stop, for the road is long it takes time to get true freedom

Bruce Baumwoll & Andrew Reach at demonstration protesting gay rights veto by governer Pete Wilson of gay rights bill at the state capital in Sacramento California, October 11, 1991

click here to see more photos on my facebook album “Pride Rainbows” in my facebook group Gay Films around the World.

click here to see more photos on my facebook album “Pride Rainbows” in my facebook group Gay Films around the World.