North Sea Texas
This is a Flemish Drama, and the first feature film by cult director Bavo DeFurne. Starring Jelle Florizoone and Mathias Vergels. The screenplay was written by Bavo DeFurne and Yves Verbraeken based on the 2004 childrens. novel .

This is a wonderful film of two boys who find there way to each other.
It is the 1970s. Pim, a fourteen-year-old boy, lives on the Belgian coast with his mother, Yvette. His father is no longer with the family and his mother has relationships with Etienne, the man who drives her to her accordion performances, and, later, Zoltan, a young fairground worker. Pim falls in love with his seventeen-year-old neighbour Gino and they develop a sexual relationship. One day, Gino’s mother tells Pim that Gino has found a girlfriend, Françoise, which devastates Pim. Gino later moves to Dunkirk with her. After his mother abandons him, Pim moves in with Marcella and Sabrina, Gino’s mother and sister. But Marcella’s health deteriorates and Gino returns, bringing back the feelings Pim had for him. Gino seemingly also still has feelings for Pim.