I admit it, I Love Sandra Dee’s old movies. I just made this little film on one of her films. I hope you enjoy it. There is nothing like this anywhere in the world. The film still is not out in DVD or Blu-ray. How many of you remember this sweet little film? Hear Robert Goulet and Andy Williams sing “I’d Rather Be Rich”!
Please click the photograph and it shall take you to my new little movie, All about the one and only New York Subway I hope you enjoy.
To the few who feel I go too fast, this is a little moving picture. This is why I move the photographs at the speed I do. If you want to study a photograph, stop the film. This is a moment in time meant for you to relax and go for the ride. You see what you see and you feel what you feel. Its a little movie trying to take you somewhere else. Relax and let me take you there. To really get anywhere one must let go.
Remember you can see all YouTube videos on your TV . Which makes them so much larger to be able to see.
Bruce Baumwoll
Me, Bruce Baumwoll with Katie when we found her, homeless and wandering in Central Park in the middle of winter, March 1984. She was practically starving. Andrew Reach was studying Architecture at Pratt and was taking an elective photography class. He had his camera that day and took this photograph.Me, Bruce Baumwoll, bringing Katie Home. We had just found her in Central Park in March 1984. This is her first of many subway rides.