Since it’s debut in 1979, CBS Sunday Morning has featured artistic suns. Andrew and I were watching the show on it’s January 27, 2019 broadcast and one of the stories was about Jessica Frank. She is the person at CBS Sunday Morning that handpicks the suns that are submitted by the public. At CBS she is known as the Sun Queen. Seeing the story, Andrew decided to submit his artwork. He created two suns and submitted them for consideration. One of the suns has two backgrounds; one on black and the other on white. A couple of weeks after he emailed her the suns, he received this wonderful email from her:
My e-mailbox is jammed full of suns, and it’s been taking me a while to get to them all. With that being said, I have to tell you that your suns really stand out as very special ones. They’re absolutely great, and perfect for use on future Sunday Morning broadcasts. Thanks so much for your patience, and for sharing your beautiful artwork with us. I promise to let you know when any of your suns are used.
Jessica Frank