Debbie Reynolds was one of the windows of the world for a small boy who had such a hard time in the world. It’s been a very hard year for Andrew and I. He has been so ill. More surgeries and complications. Then shots to help with the pain from the complications. Some of our beloved pets have left this year. As for me, I’ve had two hand surgeries and elbow surgery and now I must have lower back surgery. With all that, my beloved mother passed three months ago just short of 90. With all of this there is still a good life. Andrew and I on December 27 celebrated our 36th anniversary.
A Memory of long ago I was living with my mom and dad after I had left working for the academy award winning actress and writer Ellen Burstyn. Why I bring this up today is that I remember my mother at this time in my life. My mom surprised me and we went to see Debbie Reynolds at the Sunrise Music Theater. It was right by their home in Tamarac Florida. She waited with me as I got to say hello and got her to sign the program. It’s a sweet special memory of an evening with Debbie and my mom. Some how with all this I just do not feel the same about anything except Love, giving it, getting it and sharing it. For in the end of this life all that is really here is love. Love is what we take with us. Below is a little movie I made of Debbie Reynolds in the film Tammy and The Bachelor. in 2015 for my blog. She has always been one of my favorite entertainers.
Program Cover for her one woman show I saw at Sunrise Musical Theater in Tamarac Florida
Her photo on inside of cover she signed for me
I hope you take a moment ot watch my little film through Baumwoll Archives Presents of the movie stills on the set and the film “Tammy And the Bachelor”
Below are some videos that are on Youtube that I’ve compiled of Debbie and Carrie at different times of their lives
Below movie that is little fuff, The Second Time Around. I love every part of it and all the players . Enjoy