I’m proud to share this about my spouse Andrew Reach. He created these sculptures using 3d printing at Case Western Reserve University at a facility known as Thinkbox and it is in their new magazine.

From his website, Andrew Reach says:
think, is the magazine of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. The new fall/winter 2015 edition is out with an article about the move of thinkbox to the Richey Mixon Building which through smart adaptive re-use, have re-purposed the building for a new state-of-the-art hub for making new inventions and products from bio-engineering applications to robotics. But also making art is welcomed there. I had the opportunity with help from a grant through the Ohio Arts Council to produce a couple of sculptures at thinkbox at the old location in Glennan Building.
I’m pleased that my sculptures, Model Citizens, utilizing 3d printing, laser cut steel and CNC routed wood inserts was featured on the page titled Meet Some Makers. The other makers on the page have made amazing things; a portable tester using a single drop of blood to provide near-immediate medical information; A walker, chair and caddy all in one to help individuals with physical limitations do household duties more easily; a custom off-road mini baha vehicle built by CWRU Motorsports Baja team; Compliant Modular Mesh Worm, a robot device that mimics how a worm propels itself to navigate through tight spaces. Applications would include much better inspection and repair of piping systems.
“Model Citizens”on display April-May 2015 at University Hospitals Case Western Medical Center