Mikko Stamm Photographs Of The Rockaways

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAphotographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

mikkoStammphotographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAphotographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAphotographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAphotographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAphotographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAphotographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAphotographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

nicholasCarey03photographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

nicholasCarey02photographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

nicholasCarey01photographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

nicholasCarey08photographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

nicholasCarey07photographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

nicholasCarey06photographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm

nicholasCarey05photographs courtesy :  Mikko Stamm


The Photographs Of The Rockaways By Nicholas Carey

nicholasCarey04photographs courtesy :  Nicholas Carey

nicholasCarey05photographs courtesy :  Nicholas Carey

nicholasCarey06photographs courtesy :  Nicholas Carey

nicholasCarey07photographs courtesy :  Nicholas Carey

nicholasCarey08photographs courtesy :  Nicholas Carey

nicholasCarey01photographs courtesy :  Nicholas Carey

nicholasCarey02photographs courtesy :  Nicholas Carey

nicholasCarey03photographs courtesy :  Nicholas Carey

Ellen Wolff And her World Of Photography From The Rockaways

Trade Center NYC lit up for Christmas Ellen Wolff


Photographer Ellen Wolffs blog says:

I am a family photographer based in the New York Metro area, specializing in weddings, special events and portraits of childhood, in a natural fine art style.

Whether you have planned the most private, intimate Long Island beach wedding, or the swankiest birthday bash, my photography is intended to document your personal style and preserve the memories you remember and the moments you didn’t know happened.

I was drawn to her work from a whole different place. Like many of us, she has a love for the Rockaways. When Hurricane Sandy hit the Rockaways, people from all walks of life began to take photos of the devastation. Along with her camera and sense of space and time she brings us to the brink of what the storm has done. Through her eye we see clearly what this storms power really was. My family home was on Beach 38th street . The photograph below captures the boardwalk right there.

boarddwalkat36street024Ellen Wolff

I got in touch with Ellen and asked her if I might be able to show her photographs on my Blog. She was very gracious and said I could do a post on her work. I was very excited. When I went to her web site and blog, I was so taken back by her work. There is much to see. But I was drawn to the pets for I have many dogs and cats and there is nothing like a photograph that shows your pets personalities.

Luigi in a clawfoot bath tubEllen Wolff

Emerson the CatEllen Wolff

Below are her post Hurricane Sandy photographs of the Rockaways that she was so kind to allow me to share with you. To see more of her work, click here to visit her website and click here to visit her blog.

The Boarwalk at Beach 36th Street Edgemere NYEllen Wolff

The ZipperEllen Wolff

Beach 85th Street or so Rockaway Beach NYEllen Wolff

Breezy Pt  Hurricane Sandy clean-up

Ellen Wolff

The Boarwalk at Beach 36th Street Edgemere NYEllen Wolff

Beach 85th Street or so Rockaway Beach NYEllen Wolff

03Ellen Wolff

The Boarwalk at Beach 36th Street Edgemere NYEllen Wolff

Superstorm Sandy DevastationEllen Wolff

04Ellen Wolff

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Beach 38th Street Edgemere NYEllen Wolff

The Boarwalk at Beach 36th Street Edgemere NY, After SandyEllen Wolff

Beach 38th Street Edgemere NY

Ellen Wolff

The Boarwalk at Beach 36th Street Edgemere NYEllen Wolff

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The American Flag at The Big Fire  Breezy Point NY aft HurricaneEllen Wolff

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Superstorm Sandy Devastation EllenWolffPhotography — at Beach 86th and Breezy Point NY11Ellen Wolff

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Ellen Wolff


Ellen Wolff

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Ellen Wolff — at Bch 17th Debris from the other side of the channel washed up.022

Ellen Wolff — at Bch 17th Debris from the other side of the channel washed up.023Ellen Wolff